Monday, September 24, 2007
Vera Wang on Oprah
As you would expect, I believe Vera Wang has put a lot of time and effort into her new line. She really wanted to make something that everyone could enjoy. Both Vera and Kohl’s have put a lot of time into publicity for the line and making sure that the target market has heard about it. Over the last few weeks, I have seen numerous TV commercials and magazine articles. They even sent flyers in the mail.
My mom, who part of the target market, is very excited about Vera’s new line. She thinks everything is so cute. She likes the kitchen appliances that they sell at Kohl’s and also that you can buy name brands such as Nike and New Balance. She doesn’t usually buy clothes for herself there but likes to buy shirts for my grandparents.
Oprah, like my mom, loved the line. She kept repeating that she could not believe how great the prices are and that the line is sold exclusively at Kohl’s. Although Oprah has the money to buy expensive designer clothes that most of us can not afford, and has worn Vera Wang dresses before, she sounded as if she was going to go and buy something from the Simply Vera line.
On the show, I enjoyed seeing them put the same outfit on two people who had different taste because of the large difference in age. It was interesting to see how little things like a belt made the outfit look much younger.
After many discussions in class, I felt that the line would have done much better at Macy’s or Belk’s, but after talking to my mom about it and watching Vera Wang on Oprah, I think the line has a good chance at being successful. The target market is defiantly interested, but only time will tell if they actually go out and buy Simply Vera.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Clothes for All Women! (Vera Wang)

Last Friday, (9-14-07) Vera Wang was on the Oprah show, and Dana was able to tape the show for us to watch together. I was very excited to see what kind of things Vera Wang wanted to put out on the market, and also how she felt about the line.
Vera Wang seemed very enthusiastic, and had a great deal energy about the clothes she created to be selled at Kohl’s. I was very impressed with her quick “Runway" show on Oprah because the audience was able to hear all the details and her input on the different kinds of outfits
At first she just showed the models wearing the clothes. Then she was able to take a couple of people from the audience and dress them up with her new line.
In class, I remember a couple of people saying that when they visited Vera Wang at Kohl’s they felt that the clothing were more on the business side. But on the Oprah show, Vera Wang was able to take several mothers and their daughters and put them into the same outfit. This was very helpful to the audience (and especially for me) because it was able to show the different kinds of ways a younger or older person would be able to wear the clothes and look very stylish, yet comfortable. Vera Wang was also able to add different types of accessories such as boots, big pieces of jewelry, leggings (for under the skirts or dresses), bags, and etc.
Vera Wang also displayed her bedding and sheet with pajamas for all types of woman. The bedding had a very masculine look, while the pajamas were able to bring out feminine features.
Another thing I really enjoyed about the Oprah show was that they showed Vera Wang’s closet. One thing I remember is that Vera Wang loves wearing oversize jackets. She showed some of her very own collection and some of her big pieces of jewelry with her large collection of black leggings/ tights.
The Oprah show really makes me want to go to Kohl's and experience the new line. I'm very excited to see for myself what it looks like in person, and will hopefully have the time to go by there soon!!! The way that Vera Wang was able to put the clothes onto all different types of woman really changed the look of everything! I will blog some more on this topic when I have the chance to visit!
Elizabeth :)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Trashy or Trendy?

In regards to our RCS 362 class, there has been much debate and talk over what the American culture will become in the year 2050. The idea may seem a little too early for many, however after reading the article “Unbearably trampy back-to school clothes,” by Emily Yoff, it really had me wonder what the world will be like in the future.
Also, more than half the television commercials (98%) are being advertized towards young children between the ages of 6 and 12 years old. I agree with the article “Unbearably trampy back-to school clothes” in that I have seen many preteen girls wearing clothes which show more skin than Britney Spears. I think it is terrible that these young girls are being persuaded by the media to dress inappropriate for their age. Just watch television or look at “Seventeen” magazine and you will see teen idols with revealing skimpy clothing posing in sexy positions. More and more clothing lines are jumping on the band wagon to make these provocative clothes and flood them in department store shelves. The Limited Too even makes padded bras for six year olds, and Playboy bunny symbols are showing up on girls clothes.
It seems the older I get, these clothes appear on younger and younger girls. What is going to happen in 20 years from now? Are 12 year old girls going to be walking around topless and 5 year olds wearing thongs? I believe some clothing designers can make clothes that are still “cool” but more modest. Girls should feel like they can be themselves and have a choice of what clothes they want to wear to portray themselves. Girls should be girls, and feel like they should not advertize themselves for sex. I believe that if the media begins to show respect for the young girls and tell them you can be beautiful with just the way you are, then I feel more and more young girls will be happy and have a better experience shopping. This will enable them to spend more money and even their parents will be willing to purchase more clothing.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Vera Wang on Oprah
We've been talking a lot about Vera Wang and her new line at Kohl's in our RCS 362 class. I just wanted to let all of you know that she will be on Oprah this Friday (9-14-07). The show is called "High Style on a Budget with Superstar Designer Vera Wang."
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Apple continues to amaze

They strategically always announce their new products and updated versions just around the corner from when the Christmas shopping season officially begins. This new 3.5 widescreen iPod will be available September 29.
For those consumers who are in the market for something smaller and cheaper, Apple has a new version of the nano. The new nano is now video compatible and a new shape.
As Apple continues to impress the world with their innovativeness, they also continue to blow away their competition. Competitors can hardly keep up with the updates Apple makes on their iPods. It seems like every year they redesign the iPods with better and more exciting features or come out with new products. As soon as you purchase one it seems they are coming out with something better. I’m sure that on September 29 there will be very LONG lines at all the Apple stores with costumers anxious to get their hands on the latest thing in our technology driven world.
To read more about the new iTouch check out this article by USA Today:
To find out more about the iTouch and other Apple products check out there website: