Monday, September 24, 2007

Vera Wang on Oprah

I know Elizabeth has already talked about it but I just wanted to say a little about what I though about Vera Wang’s Oprah appearance and my changed opinion on the success of Simply Vera, Vera Wang.
As you would expect, I believe Vera Wang has put a lot of time and effort into her new line. She really wanted to make something that everyone could enjoy. Both Vera and Kohl’s have put a lot of time into publicity for the line and making sure that the target market has heard about it. Over the last few weeks, I have seen numerous TV commercials and magazine articles. They even sent flyers in the mail.
My mom, who part of the target market, is very excited about Vera’s new line. She thinks everything is so cute. She likes the kitchen appliances that they sell at Kohl’s and also that you can buy name brands such as Nike and New Balance. She doesn’t usually buy clothes for herself there but likes to buy shirts for my grandparents.
Oprah, like my mom, loved the line. She kept repeating that she could not believe how great the prices are and that the line is sold exclusively at Kohl’s. Although Oprah has the money to buy expensive designer clothes that most of us can not afford, and has worn Vera Wang dresses before, she sounded as if she was going to go and buy something from the Simply Vera line.
On the show, I enjoyed seeing them put the same outfit on two people who had different taste because of the large difference in age. It was interesting to see how little things like a belt made the outfit look much younger.
After many discussions in class, I felt that the line would have done much better at Macy’s or Belk’s, but after talking to my mom about it and watching Vera Wang on Oprah, I think the line has a good chance at being successful. The target market is defiantly interested, but only time will tell if they actually go out and buy Simply Vera.


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