Ok, for the first time in my life I was able to try Wigley sugar-free gum called “5.” The gum was first introduced in the U.S in March 2007- and has been the target for teens and young adults. It made me think of our RCS 362 class because the packaging is very cool!
I confess, it was the awesome packaging that made me buy the gum. 5 comes in three different flavors, spearmint “Rain”, peppermint “Cobalt”, and cinnamon “Flare” and each box contains 15 pieces of gum.

Now, I know people say, “It’s not the outside that matters, it’s the inside that counts!” But for this gum the package is very slick and chic. I highly suggest the gum 5 to everyone!!!! The outside of the box has a slick black cover (that is shaped like a cigarette box), and a little smaller than a deck of cards. The inside packaging is very special as well. And it feels like opening a surprise. I felt like every piece was every special and exquisite because the wrapping had a unique golden ton, with the number 5 engraved on each individual piece. Each piece of gum is indulging. And is sugar-free. (that’s a plus!)

So if you want to look hot in a night out in the town- go buy some 5 Wigley sugar free gum. The Flavor Last SOOO long!!! It looks like something that can only be sold in upscale places. (In fact, after reading about the brand online, I discovered that the candy was first sold in a few boutiques in LA, Miami, and New York before being introduced to the main market.)
The marketing strategies for 5 have been very well planed- and I strongly believe the brand will go a very long way!!!! So, go buy some sugar-free gum 5- and post what you think about the gum. Its only $1.94 per pack!!!