Ok, for the first time in my life I was able to try Wigley sugar-free gum called “5.” The gum was first introduced in the U.S in March 2007- and has been the target for teens and young adults. It made me think of our RCS 362 class because the packaging is very cool!
I confess, it was the awesome packaging that made me buy the gum. 5 comes in three different flavors, spearmint “Rain”, peppermint “Cobalt”, and cinnamon “Flare” and each box contains 15 pieces of gum.

Now, I know people say, “It’s not the outside that matters, it’s the inside that counts!” But for this gum the package is very slick and chic. I highly suggest the gum 5 to everyone!!!! The outside of the box has a slick black cover (that is shaped like a cigarette box), and a little smaller than a deck of cards. The inside packaging is very special as well. And it feels like opening a surprise. I felt like every piece was every special and exquisite because the wrapping had a unique golden ton, with the number 5 engraved on each individual piece. Each piece of gum is indulging. And is sugar-free. (that’s a plus!)

So if you want to look hot in a night out in the town- go buy some 5 Wigley sugar free gum. The Flavor Last SOOO long!!! It looks like something that can only be sold in upscale places. (In fact, after reading about the brand online, I discovered that the candy was first sold in a few boutiques in LA, Miami, and New York before being introduced to the main market.)
The marketing strategies for 5 have been very well planed- and I strongly believe the brand will go a very long way!!!! So, go buy some sugar-free gum 5- and post what you think about the gum. Its only $1.94 per pack!!!
I saw 5 gum at Wal-Mart the other day. I'll admit I have yet to try it, but after reading your blog I 'm amazed how fast the exclusive the availability was when it first came out and now, 7 months later it fits right in next to Trident at the Wal-Mart checkout counter!
Maybe I should give this gum a try!
-Lauren Wright
Interesting discovery. I must admit, that packaging is quite graphical for chewing gum. You did a great job marketing the gum though. Were you hired to promote the gum? From the looks of the packaging and description of your blog, it seems like it may be the new breakthrough in gum development. I wonder if Icebreaker brand is planning something similar to that launch by Wrigley. I noticed they are not selling the regular stick gums anymore, instead they have cubes. You definitely got me interested; I’ll have to try them out, thanks for the discovery.
This cool design also ads a more personal feel to the product. Making it our own stylish gum.
I tried 5 gum because of the packaging and out of pure interest. But it is overpriced for regular ol' sugarfree gum. I am going back to Orbit!
Yes! I strongly agree that 5 gum has a major break though with thire packaging. I think that their competitors should try the same thing.
Interesting to know that Wal-Mart has 5 gum. I got mine at Harris Teeter. Even though the gum is a little pricy- I strongly believe it is worth it.
Oh- i know im my blog I sounded like I was promoting the gum. But the fact of the matter is- I absolutly LOVE IT!!! I want everyone to tast 5 gum. I used to never chew gum till now. [and wow- all my friends could tell you that :) - just go ahead and ask!
What a change from the boring little packs with 5 sticks in them! How much did you pay for this vs. regular gum? And did you feel that maybe it tasted better mentally because you felt cool eating it? It kind of reminds me of those drinks, I dont remember the brand, that came out about 8 or so years ago, fire, earth, tornado, they were kind of like Sobe. Anyway they were great sellers because the name sounded natural, and the packaging was great! Sounds like Wringeys followed in suit!
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Well son of a gun
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