Sunday, October 28, 2007

Money Worth Spending

I enjoyed our class discussion last Tuesday about whether several commercials were effective and if it was money well spent. I thought the Macy's and Cheerios commercials were very effective. I liked the Macy's commercial the first time I saw it on TV. In the commercial it shows all stars who have lines at Macy's and it shows them getting ready for the store to open. The audience can relate to them because they can see how important their lines are to them and how much work they have put into them. At the end of the commercial it ties the stars and Macy's together: "only one star can bring all these stars together." It's so simple yet very powerful. This commercial is definitely money well spent. It was distinctive, informative, persuasive, and had good recall.

We also watched a Cheerios commercial about adoption. This was a great commercial. It definitely stands out when compared to it's competitors. Most cereal commercials target children, this commercial is targeted to parents. This commercial connects with the audience and pulls on their emotions. The commercial is silent but that helps make the message even stronger. Cheerios brought the parents and their newly adopted children together, made them smile, and helped them to begin building a relationship together. The ad is persuasive and has good recall. It was also definitely money well spent!
A commercial that was not as effective was the H&M Madonna commercial. Even though I am studying retail I found this commercial to be confusing. It was distinctive and had good recall but not persuasive. The commercial jumped around to much and left you confused.



ElyKri said...

I really agree with what you say here. I also really like the Macy's commercials. They have so many versions out right now and they are all very catchy, colorful and really draws you to go to that store. Also, the cherios commerical was very touching and money well spent, but I feel that it is much more effective towards an older crowd, especially parents.

Elizabeth and Dana said...

I agree that it is more effective with older generations. Parents are definitely the target audience of this commercial.

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Megan's Blogs said...

I also really enjoy the macy's commercials. I think they do an excellent job highlighting all of the designers they sell. I think part of why they are so catchy is because there are not any others like it.