In our RCS 362 class, our professor asked us to write about the current Yahoo Avatars. She said, “If you already have a yahoo account- You should most likely have an Avatar.” However, I was very surprised when she said this, because although I do have a Yahoo account, I never hear of Yahoo Avatar until now. I decided to check it out on Yahoo, and became addicted to all different ways I could make my Avatar look.
I really liked how I was able to save an Avatar so I would be able to use it later. However I felt that choosing a background, clothing and accessories was a little bit inconvenient. I think that Yahoo should set up the Avatar with the different kinds of backgrounds or clothing with certain categories inside each one. An example of this would be beach theme, or fall, summer, rain, or winter. (this could be used under the clothing or background options.) As a Consumer, Apparel and Retail studies major, I feel this would be able to help whoever is creating their Avatar, without going thought all the stress of trying to remember what number a certain picture was on. Also I feel that there should be a link which connects the Avatar on the home page of Yahoo.
Also, I understand that the Yahoo Avatar can be used in Yahoo Answer, Messenger, Yahoo 360, and even shows up on the Yahoo e-mail profile when you log in. However I was very disappointed that I could not use my Avatar when I wanted to send an e-mail to someone with my Avatar attached. I think it would be a great way for people to use the Avatar in Yahoo e-mail (if they wanted) because it would be a great way of advertising the Avatar, and showing a person how they feel. (ex: If I get an e-mail saying from a friend that said they could not meet me in the library to study because they are sick, it would be really cute if I could see their Avatar of themselves wearing a rob and holding a boxes of tissues in their hands.)
Also, I understand that the Yahoo Avatar is used for Yahoo Instant Messenger. However, I don’t think a lot of college kids use Yahoo Instant Messenger- because the competition is AOL Instant Messenger. That is why I think using the Yahoo Avatars in e-mail may be more effective, because people will want to check it out and see what it is about. It is something that is quite fun and I see that could be very addicting. It definitely could be very effective, and I feel if more people were able to know what the Yahoo Avatar was, then they would want to check out the Yahoo 360. The Yahoo 360 looks really neat, and it really does remind me of MySpace. As a Consumer, Apparel and Retail Studies student I would also like to suggest that Yahoo 360 profiles should be advertised through e-mail on the yahoo accounts. If yahoo is willing to put security on the 360 profiles, I feel that more and more people will be willing to join. (I’m not quite sure about the 360 profile because I don’t have one yet; however, I would like to know more information) What kinds of people are on there? Is it secure? Would anyone be able to create a Yahoo 360 profile?
Facebook has been the main craze throughout several different Colleges and Universities. One reason for this is because I feel that people feel like it is secure, because is started out being just for college students, and has later developed into a network for all kinds of people. I think several people wish that Facebook still stayed the same and it could only be used for college students and above. Now, even little 12 year old girls have facebook, and I feel that a lot of people might wish it was just for the “older croud.” I think Yahoo Avatar would be more effective if it was lean towards our (college students and above) generations instead of just anyone, because that would make it very special, and not some people say “Oh- yeah that Avatar is just like for anyone.”
Great points! It definitely is addicting!
Better categories is a great suggestion!
Good Points about the other messangers and Myspace/Facebook. Do you think an application like this would be successful on Myspace or Facebook?
Yes! I defenitly believe an application like this would work especially on Facebook. There are a ton of applications that a person can download onto facebook, and AVATAAR would be a great one! I think it would be neat if people could create other avataaars for other people on facebook- and send them to eachother. Also I believe the avataar on facebook would work very well- when a person wants to tell everyone how they feel. (It might make a great b.day gift as well. Also, another point I would like to add is that I think that Yahoo Avataar should have the option of adding animals such as dogs, cats, and birds inside the backgroud. It would be neat if we could dress the animals up in clothes as well. :)
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